Sunday, January 13, 2013

Fresh Breath Treats

"I'm sad. I was told that my breath is stinky."

It's okay.  I'm going to make you some
fresh breath treats.

"I don't know if that will work!"

Well, let's find out. 
Here are the ingredients we will need.

"I suppose it's worth a shot."

Put all dry ingredients in a bowl.


Add chicken broth to the dry ingredients.

"It smells like it might help my breath."

Form mixture into a dough ball.

Roll out dough on a floured surface.

"I hope these work. I don't want stinky breath."

Cut dough into shapes. I used a juice glass.

Then I cut the circles in half.
"You know, you could leave them whole."

Place on a lined cookie sheet.
I like to use parchment paper.

"She put those treats in the oven."
"Looks like I'll be waiting awhile."

"If I'm reading the timer correctly...
it's almost time for treats!"

"She said they have to cool in the
turned off oven....shame."

"She finally took them out of the oven!"

"Yum. Those are tasty. I think my breath
feels fresher already!"

"Haaaaah.  How does that smell?"

I say we fixed your problem.

"Maybe I should have a few more,
just to be sure!"

Here is the full recipe:
1 cup wheat flour
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup parsley, minced
1/2 cup chicken broth

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.  Stir in chicken broth and shape into a ball.  Place dough ball on
a floured surface.  Roll out dough and cut into shapes.  Place shapes onto a lined cookie sheet. 
Place in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes.  Turn off oven and allow treats to cool in the oven until crispy.


  1. Jenny is so cute!! I'm glad she doesn't have doggie breath anymore!

  2. I wounder if this would work on kids... We can't wait to see what Jenny does next!!! We love you Jenny!!!

  3. So cute Miranda!!! Jenny is one loved poochy! Scratch those fuzzy ears & have a good weekend!

    1. Always scratching fuzzy ears in this household...we can't resist!

  4. Fitzroy says hello! He says the things he finds to eat in the back yard make his breath smell EXACTLY the way it should. We disagree.
